Monday, September 29, 2008

The G1 smartphone

After reading an article in PRWeek, i learned that T-mobile and Google are teaming up to introduce the G1 Smartphone. It is the first smartphone to run on Google's Anaroid operating system. It was introduced at a press conference on September 23, to reporters and bloggers, and was also broadcast via podcasts and webcasts. T-mobile PR director, Peter Dobrow said, "Because consumers will not be able to buy the G1 until October 22, the next phase of outreach will focus on sustaining press interest by offering the device to top-tier journalists and bloggers for review."

I think this new phone will bring compeitition to the apple iPhone, because as quoted in the article, this new anaroid phone is "much more evolutionary." I also think that it is a great initiative to offer the G1 to the top tier journalists and bloggers because they are the ones that will make or break a product based on their reviews.

I am interested to see how the G1 competes with the iPhone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Coke Zero targets 007 fans

I was reading the business section of the ajc from Saturday's paper and I noticed an article that Coke Zero was teaming up with the new James Bond movie, "Quantum of Solace" that will open in the U.S. November 14th. Coke will temporarily re-brand Coke Zero as "Zero Zero 7" and a new logo will be on the bottles. The campaign will also feature a facebook tie in and a text messaging promotion taht offers a chance to win Bond themed prizes. Coke is specifically targeting the male population and Coke Zero's volume has grown from 42.5 million gallons to 370 million gallons last year! This is an excellent example of Coke using PR as a benefit for their company. They are targeting towards a specific audience and using the Bond film is a great idea to grow popularity of Coke Zero.

Monday, September 8, 2008

press release grader!!!

after reading Robin Wilson's blog, AGAIN... (my new found love) I found that he blogged on a specific tool called the Press Release Grader. It grades your press releases and gives you a grade based upon factors from public relations experts. It evaluates them and gives you a marketing effectiveness score. This tool would be really helpful to our class to get an alternate opinion when writing our press releases becuase no matter how many times you proof read something, you still can miss errors!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Save the Honey Bees!

I was reading Robin Wilson's blog (the head of PR at McCann Erickson) and it was really interesting. It is called Genius Social Media Campaign from Haagaen Dazs to save the honey bee. It includes a short video that Haagen Dazs created to raise awareness of the depletion of the honey bees. Not only is it hilarious, it is also informative. Also if you click on the Haagen Daz website, it reveals the new Vanilla Honey Bee icecream and their mission to bring the bees back!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin makes her speech tonight!

I was reading an article about Palin and watching how her face has been plastered across tv screens everywhere (the gym) and realized that she is making her speech tonight introducing herself to the voters. News has surfaced that her daughter is unmarried and pregnant, and is comparing her daughter to celebrities like Britney Spears and her sisterJamie Lynn Spears, whom both are young and have had kids. I don't think that its fair to compare her to those people because we don't know her story or situation. Also, since Palin has anti-abortion views, this may strengthen her campaign being that she has a teenage daugther that is pregnant and she didn't choose the abortion route. Just something I was thinking about.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How bout them Dawgs!

Georgia won their first game of the season to Georgia Southern! Final score was 45 to 21~ ! Georgia is ranked number one and it is very exciting to see how Georgia will end up at the end of the season. Mark Richt said on beating Georgia Southern, “We got the victory, and that’s a great thing for Georgia. If you had told me before the game what the outcome would be regardless of what the score would be, I would have taken it. I was pleased with the victory. I am happy to win, even though we made some mistakes. But there were a lot of good things that happened, too. As coaches, when things don’t go the way we want, we get bent out of shape, but the victory is good. We’ll correct the mistakes and hopefully do a better job next week.” Georiga plays Central Michigan this Saturday, September 6, at 3:30 p.m.! Hopefully we will gain yet another win! GOOOO DAWGS! SICK-UM!!!!!