Friday, September 5, 2008

Save the Honey Bees!

I was reading Robin Wilson's blog (the head of PR at McCann Erickson) and it was really interesting. It is called Genius Social Media Campaign from Haagaen Dazs to save the honey bee. It includes a short video that Haagen Dazs created to raise awareness of the depletion of the honey bees. Not only is it hilarious, it is also informative. Also if you click on the Haagen Daz website, it reveals the new Vanilla Honey Bee icecream and their mission to bring the bees back!

1 comment:

PJ Schinella said...

Way to be on the look and thanks for bringing this to our attention. Thw website looks great. I think that it is great when companies to things like this because causes recieve so much more publicity than they would have before.